My upcoming bot will feature a gun based on a VisitCountStats.
It doesn't.
VisitCountStats segmented on several features.
It doesn't
No melee ... yet...
Between matches: Nothing.
Between rounds: Everything.
It's named after the first TCP-Version with congestion avoidance.
Not yet.
Makeing the gun work against WaveSurfing AND RandomMovement
Add some Movement
SYSTEM: You have made 10000 calls to getXX methods without calling execute() SYSTEM: Robot disabled: Too many calls to getXX methodsI guess, I'll have to rename all my methods :-(
Dumped the whole DC/NN stuff. I'm trying VCS now. After several bugfixes I'm a bit better than the DC-Gun, but nowhere near as good as I hoped. [Here] is a picture with all graphical debug stuff enabled. Working on PrecisePrediction for maximum escape angle at the moment. I hope that helps. -- Ebo
ebo.Tahoe: Got an error with this class: java.lang.LinkageError: loader (instance of robocode/security/RobocodeClassLoader): attempted duplicate class definition for name: "de/_4geeks/robots/guns/DC/EnemyFeature"I'm getting this error when running Robocode from Eclipse (for debugging). If I start a battle with Tahoe, the robot never gets instantiated. EnemyFeature? is a abstract class. Any ideas? -- Ebo
Is there another class by that name? That's the only thing I can think of....try re-compiling the entire thing and see if there are any errors. -- Skilgannon
No obvious name collision. It works without Eclipse or if I comment out any method-calls to my GunManager?-class. Invoking the constructor is ok. Re-compiling doesnt help. -- Ebo