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/Constitution - /ReferenceBots - /HowTo - /FastLearning - /Results - /ResultsShort - /ResultsFastLearning - /ResultsChat - /Calculator Welcome to the TargetingChallenge. It's an attempt at measuring pure gun performance. The rules are simple. # The Challenger must remain stationary all the time # The Challenger must try to fire power 3 bullets when it can ## Which means no energy management whatsoever ## Clarification: Challenger is only allowed to feed the fire() method(s) the constant 3. This often results in at least one bullet per round fired with energy lower than 3 though. # There are 10 /ReferenceBots, none of which fires, few of which does any ramming # The Challenger meet each reference bot in battle over 500 rounds (100 rounds for the short TC version) # The Challenger's score against each reference bot is calculated like "challenger_bullet_damage / rounds" ## Average the scores against each reference bot to get the total score Please post your bots' results on the /Results page (or /ResultsShort) for the short TC version. If you find it tedious and error prone to calculate the scores manually, use the /Calculator. Results chatting is best carried out on the /ResultsChat page. =) If you're curious about how we arrived at this rule set, please read the /Constitution. I am surpised to see there is no WaveSurfer Targeting Challenge! I noticed some of the current WaveSurfers have a property-file in which you can specify 'movement only'. Should be easy to set up. So how about it? --Loki Yep! We've been touching the subject before. There's a TargetingChallenge2K4 page actually. But we need to get going soon I guess or it will be more like 2K5. =) -- PEZ |
Welcome to the TargetingChallenge. It's an attempt at measuring pure gun performance. The rules are simple.
Please post your bots' results on the /Results page (or /ResultsShort) for the short TC version. If you find it tedious and error prone to calculate the scores manually, use the /Calculator.
Results chatting is best carried out on the /ResultsChat page. =)
If you're curious about how we arrived at this rule set, please read the /Constitution.
Yep! We've been touching the subject before. There's a TargetingChallenge2K4 page actually. But we need to get going soon I guess or it will be more like 2K5. =) -- PEZ