Using a highly tweaked version of AntiGravityMovement.
It uses a lot of lead vs. targets that are nearby and none vs. targets that are far away. There is no pattern matcher or virtual bullet system or any of that. :-P
It doesn't. None of my bots do. They use the same movement vs. SittingDuck as they do vs SandboxDT.
In 1-v-1 it doesn't try and stay away from the other bot, it just tries to stay perpendicular to it.
It attacks the closest bot.
Duelist (My first good bot) + Mini (Because it's a MiniBot) + Melee (Because it's intended for melee)
Aren't I creative? :-)
Sorry, It's not open-source. Feel free to look at DuelistMicroMelee and use whatever you like. Please give me credit if you use any of my code.
Currently it's #1 in melee. All I have to do now is stay there. :-)
Seriously, it is about 150 bytes below the size limit on minibots and I'd like to see if I can fit in some better aim to improve 1-v-1 a bit.