Good point - Sparrow has passed up DuelistMicroMelee and is now leading by quite a bit. :-P --David Alves
In rank, perhaps, but if you take a closer look at the ratings, #6 - #11 are quite close! --Dummy
More than 1 other bot on the field:
If it's near a corner, it moves back and forth in that corner. If it's not, it uses AntiGravity
1 other bot on the field:
It tries to stay perpendicular to the enemy.
Directly at the current target.
It doesn't. None of my bots do. They use the same movement vs. SittingDuck as they do vs SandboxDT.
The movement is the only difference, as described above.
It attacks the closest target.
Duelist (My first good bot) + Micro (Because it's a MicroBot) + Melee (Because it's designed for melee)
You sure can. Take a look and use whatever you like. Please give me credit if you use any of my code. Also, make a robot that is uniquely yours - not just a slightly modified copy of mine.
I want it to stop losing to Troodon in the MinibotChallenge?. :-P