My mini
OneOnOne bot
BlackSwans,current(2003.Mar.2) rank 3#(1v1) on eternal-rumble.
It's a open source bot,feel free to use its source code.but not just copy and paste most code to be a new bot.
How does it move?
random move around enemy or center of battle fields.
How does it fire?
Wave to recored shoot angle and pattern element to do pattern analyse.
random move can dodge some.:-)
How does the melee strategy differ from one-on-one strategy?
Just a
OneOnOne bot.
Where did you get the name?
When the idea of
Wave come up my brain while I was
Cigaret listening
BlackSwans and spit out a
Smog in bed.I think this maybe good.
Then after Cigaret,i write a new bot with a different movement(nice moving i think)--BlackSwans.
And...Lacrimos Profundere's "BlackSwans" is the most liked song of me.
Can I use your code?
Yes,you can.
What's next for your robot?
Improve movement and find better pattern inputs.