Tango: https://www.robocoderepository.com/BotDetail.jsp?id=2015
I'm currently writing a new bot from scratch. I should be able to have the first release ready for next weekend, but for this weekend, you'll have an easy time. May the best bot (ie. yours) win. -- Tango
Just ran the 1st competition - it's a bit early, but i've got a meeting tomorrow (on a sunday!!) and i reckon it could take some time. I've got a pretty rammed schedule for the next week or so, but after that i'm going to put some work in on a new gun i dreamed up while i was out tonight, i doubt its original, but we'll just have to wait and see how good it is. Good luck for next week... --Brainfade
Meetings on Sunday? Poor you... I've been working on a new bot, and it seems to be working so far. I need to improve the segmentation and add some movement (probably a fairly simple movement for now), and then I'll release it (when I think of a name). Next week might be more of a challenge! ;-) Good luck. -- Tango