Incidentally, what's the difference between a long and a double?
package pfvicm; import robocode.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.geom.*; /* * Subotai - PFVICM 6.7.1 */ public class Subotai extends AdvancedRobot { Point2D NextPosition, myloc; double Fieldx, Fieldy; static double eenergy; double x, y, v, b, H, q, my, mx, rq, vq; double myhead; double adjacent; static int dir=1; public void run() { setColors(Color.cyan,,Color.yellow); setAdjustGunForRobotTurn(true); setAdjustRadarForGunTurn(true); v=getVelocity(); x=getX(); y=getY(); my=getBattleFieldHeight()/2; mx=getBattleFieldWidth()/2; H=getHeading(); myloc=new Point2D.Double(x,y); setTurnRadarRight(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); Fieldx=getBattleFieldWidth(); Fieldy=getBattleFieldHeight(); execute(); while(true) { /*NextPosition=new Point2D.Double(Math.random()*(Fieldx-36)+18,Math.random()*(Fieldy-36)+18); goTo(NextPosition); execute(); while (getDistanceRemaining()>0 || getTurnRemaining()>0) { execute(); } checkStop();*/ } } /*private void goTo(Point2D destination) { Point2D location = new Point2D.Double(getX(), getY()); double distance = location.distance(destination); double angle = normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing(location, destination) - getHeading()); if (Math.abs(angle) > 90) { distance *= -1; if (angle > 0) { angle -= 180; } else { angle += 180; } } setTurnRight(angle); setAhead(distance*.5); } private double absoluteBearing(Point2D source, Point2D target) { return Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(target.getX() - source.getX(), target.getY() - source.getY())); }*/ private double normalRelativeAngle(double angle) { angle = Math.toRadians(angle); return Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(Math.sin(angle), Math.cos(angle))); } /*public void checkStop() { if(v==0) { goTo(NextPosition); execute(); } }*/ public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) { setTurnRadarLeft(getRadarTurnRemaining()); //setInterruptible(true); b = eenergy - e.getEnergy(); eenergy = e.getEnergy(); /*if (0<=H && H<90) { q=1; } else { if (90<=H && H<180) { q=4; } else { if (180<=H && H<270) { q=3; } else { if (270<=H && H<360) { q=2; } }}}*/ if (x<mx) { if (y<my) { vq=0; } else { vq=270; } } else { if (y<my) { vq=180; } else { vq=90; } } if (b > 0 && b <= 3) { if (Math.random()<.5) { dir=-dir; } setTurnLeft(H-(((Math.random()*90)+vq)/**dir*/)); setAhead(Math.random()*(sec(H)*getRange(x,y,mx*2,my*2))); execute(); } if (getEnergy()<0.1) { stop(); turnGunLeft(e.getBearing()); fire(0.1); resume(); } else { double absoluteBearing = getHeading() + e.getBearing(); double bearingFromGun = normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing - getGunHeading()); if (Math.abs(bearingFromGun) <= 3) { turnGunRight(bearingFromGun); if (getGunHeat() == 0) setFire(Math.min(3 - Math.abs(bearingFromGun),getEnergy() - .1)); } else { turnGunRight(bearingFromGun); } } setEventPriority("ScannedRobotEvent",10); execute(); } public double getRange(double x1,double y1, double x2,double y2) { double xp = x2-x1; double yp = y2-y1; double h = Math.sqrt( xp*xp + yp*yp ); return h; } public double sec(double angle) { double c = 1/Math.cos(angle); return c; } /*public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent e) { //goTo(NextPosition); //stop(); if (x<getBattleFieldWidth()/2) { dir=-dir; } else { if (y<getBattleFieldHeight()/2) { dir=-dir; } } setTurnRight(e.getBearing()-90); setBack(Math.random()*(Math.min(Math.min((getBattleFieldHeight()-getY()),(getBattleFieldWidth()-getX())),(Math.min(getX(),getY()))))*dir*1.5); execute(); //resume(); }*/ public void onHitRobot(HitRobotEvent e) { //if(e.isMyFault()) { //setTurnRadarRight(Math.sin((getHeading()+e.getBearing()) - getRadarHeading())); setTurnGunRight(Math.sin((getHeading()+e.getBearing()) - getGunHeading())); setEventPriority("ScannedRobotEvent",25); fire(3); //else { //setBack(Math.random()*(Math.min(Math.min((getBattleFieldHeight()-getY()),(getBattleFieldWidth()-getX())),(Math.min(getX(),getY()))))); //} } }
From your description of the problem, it seems that your bot stops due to an exception. Is there any output in the debug-window? You can open the debug-window by clicking on your bot's name in the upper right corner during a battle. -- GrubbmGait
A 'long' is a larger version of 'int' (just a higher MAX and lower MIN value), and a 'double' is a "double precision" floating point decimal number. (As an aside, 'long' is to 'int' as 'double' is to 'float'.) -- Voidious
You've got an empty while(true) loop in your run method. Your bot will only call execute() once then go into an infinite loop resulting in the game disabling it. --wcsv
Maybe what you meant was something like this?
public void run() { setColors(Color.cyan,,Color.yellow); setAdjustGunForRobotTurn(true); setAdjustRadarForGunTurn(true); while(true) { v=getVelocity(); x=getX(); y=getY(); my=getBattleFieldHeight()/2; mx=getBattleFieldWidth()/2; H=getHeading(); myloc=new Point2D.Double(x,y); setTurnRadarRight(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); Fieldx=getBattleFieldWidth(); Fieldy=getBattleFieldHeight(); execute(); } }--wcsv
Thanks a LOT! I'm WORKING now!!! :D :D --Pfvicm