package ntc; import robocode.*; import robocode.util.Utils; import java.util.*; import java.awt.geom.*; /** * SimpleATBot - a robot by Starrynte * Demonstrates AreaTargeting with a simple MinimumRiskMovement * Changes * 0.1 * Created! * */ public class SimpleATBot extends AdvancedRobot { static Hashtable enemies=new Hashtable(); static double segment; static Point2D.Double lastPosition,myPos,nextDestination; public void run() { setTurnRadarRightRadians(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); segment=(Math.PI*2)/(getOthers()*3); lastPosition=myPos=nextDestination=new Point2D.Double(getX(),getY()); do{ if(getTime()>10){ move(); gun(); } segment=(Math.PI*2)/(getOthers()*3); myPos.setLocation(getX(),getY()); execute(); }while(true); } public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) { Enemy en=(Enemy)enemies.get(e.getName()); if(en==null){ en=new Enemy(); enemies.put(e.getName(),en); };; en.pos=projectPoint(myPos,e.getBearingRadians()+getHeadingRadians(),e.getDistance()); } public boolean move(){ for(int i=0;i<100;i++){ Point2D.Double testPoint=projectPoint(myPos,Math.random()*2*Math.PI,50+Math.random()*150); if(evaluate(testPoint)<evaluate(nextDestination)){ nextDestination=testPoint; } } lastPosition=myPos; driveTo(nextDestination); return true; } public boolean gun(){ int[] botsInArea=new int[(int)segment]; Enumeration e=enemies.elements(); int curSegment=0; while(e.hasMoreElements()){ Enemy en=(Enemy)e.nextElement(); if({ double ang=calcAngle(myPos,en.pos); botsInArea[(int)(Math.abs(Math.floor(ang/segment)))]++; } } for(int i=0;i<(int)segment;i++){ int bots=botsInArea[i]; int curBots=botsInArea[curSegment]; if(bots>curBots){ curSegment=i; } } out.println("Using segment " + (curSegment*segment) + "~" + ((curSegment*segment)+segment)); setTurnGunRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(((curSegment*segment)+Math.random()*segment)-getGunHeadingRadians())); setFire(2); return true; } private double evaluate(Point2D.Double p){ double risk=(1/lastPosition.distanceSq(p)) + (0.5/myPos.distanceSq(p)); Enumeration e=enemies.elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()){ Enemy en=(Enemy)e.nextElement(); double; if({ risk+=thisRisk; } } return risk; } private double calcAngle(Point2D.Double s,Point2D.Double t){ return Math.atan2(t.getX()-s.getX(),t.getY()-s.getY()); } private Point2D.Double projectPoint(Point2D.Double s, double ang, double dist){ return new Point2D.Double(s.getX()+(Math.sin(ang)*dist), s.getY()+(Math.cos(ang)*dist)); } private void driveTo(Point2D.Double next){ driveTo(next.getX(),next.getY()); } private void driveTo(double nextX, double nextY){ double myX = getX();double myY = getY();double turnAngle;double normalizedTurnAngle; setTurnRightRadians(normalizedTurnAngle = Math.atan(Math.tan(turnAngle = ((Math.atan2(nextX - myX, nextY - myY) - getHeadingRadians()) + (7.0 * Math.PI)) % (2.0 * Math.PI) - Math.PI))); setAhead((normalizedTurnAngle == turnAngle ? 1.0 : -1.0) * (java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double.distance(myX, myY, nextX, nextY))); } class Enemy{ boolean live; double energy; Point2D.Double pos; } }When I run the bot, I get an
Exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3 >= 0 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3 >= 0 at java.util.Vector.elementAt( at ntc.SimpleATBot.gun( at at Source) at --Starrynte
A Vector comes empty, so on line 65 you're trying to fetch the 4th value (index 3) from a Vector with 0 values (3 >= 0). I suggest skipping the vectory and using an array (int[] botsInArea? = new int[numSegments]).
Hm...I didin't know you could initialize an array with a variable...but i'll try it. Thnx --Starrynte
Ok, changed the code a bit, but now I get an
Exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 8 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 8 at ntc.SimpleATBot.gun( at at Source) at might be a problem with the hashtable, calcAngle(), or projectPoint(), since those are some functions (and variable) called by SimpleATBot (both directly and indirectly) --Starrynte
Ok, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException? fixed now (now I just have to tweak the movement a bit...and the gun! It always uses the 'due north' segment as the area), but the code isn't updated yet. I will update as soon as i can --Starrynte