Currently, I'd like to get Perpy's pattern-matching working properly - it's currently bugged. I'd also like to figure out why the radar occasionally gets some weird results on a first scan. I'd also like to get Perpy wavesurfing, rather then just moving around the enemy in a easy-to-predict movement style.
21 September - I believe I've fixed the major bug in the pattern matching gun. Now it's just a matter of getting the wavesurfing into it, and fixing that annoying radar bug. Yay!
27 September - I've fixed the radar bug - it was because I was storing the values of various getXXX() methods every tick in the run() method, and the onScannedRobot() event occurs after you move - so all my values were off. Fixing that has fixed the bug. I've also added basic wavesurfing. Yay!