[Home]History of BeeRRGC

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Revision 4 . . November 7, 2005 8:06 EST by Florent [PEZ could you release it in the rumble?]
Revision 3 . . January 6, 2005 0:18 EST by PEZ

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 267c267,270
Small tweaks here and there. Segmentation, weighting of real vs virtual waves, rolling depth, bin smoothing, you name it. Nothing that really works though. The good thing is that I have been able to clean out stuff that didn't matter for performance. The gun is actually quite clean now. Check it out if you like. I'll try to make a mini version of it soon. -- PEZ
Small tweaks here and there. Segmentation, weighting of real vs virtual waves, rolling depth, bin smoothing, you name it. Nothing that really works though. The good thing is that I have been able to clean out stuff that didn't matter for performance. The gun is actually quite clean now. Check it out if you like. I'll try to make a mini version of it soon. -- PEZ

Would you mind releasing the current version of BeeRRGC in the rumble so I would have a better idea of where Toad/RRGC stands, because the results in the RRGC page are a bit old. -- Florent

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