[Home]History of WaveSurfingChallenge

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Revision 196 . . (edit) August 19, 2007 0:44 EST by Starrynte [testing lol]
Revision 194 . . September 17, 2006 0:52 EST by Bayen [added Squirrel's score for WaveSurfingChallenge]
Revision 193 . . July 28, 2006 16:31 EST by Loki [@David: thanks for the offer & a solution for the Dutch Java code]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Added: 36a37
|Squirrel prerelease |Bayen |Oscillating | 79.33 | 96.528 | 87.929

Changed: 38c39,40
|Freya 0.62ws2 |Loki |MR/ WaveSurfing | 75.36 | 33.38 | 54.37
|Freya 0.62ws2 |Loki |MR/ WaveSurfing| 75.36 | 33.3 | 54.37
|Evader 1.1 |Starrynte |S&G | 71.581 | 35.139 | 53.36

Changed: 128c130,133
thanks for the offer! I will struggle some more, keep coding my bots using a combination of Java and Dutch and if i get really stuck, you can always enter the code in Altavista's Babelfish :) It gives 'comprehensible' translations like "++ movement.number collision with partition;". At least 4 out of 5 words are correct! --Loki
thanks for the offer! I will struggle some more, keep coding my bots using a combination of Java and Dutch and if i get really stuck, you can always enter the code in Altavista's Babelfish :) It gives 'comprehensible' translations like "++ movement.number collision with partition;". At least 4 out of 5 words are correct! --Loki

Evader is failing miserably...due to it's bad WallAvoidance...I'll upload new results once that's fixed --Starrynte
* Lol, in one of my testing, it 'accidentally' (not) WallSmoothed right into the BotA? (when it was disabled) and killed it - free points --Starrynte

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