Between Matches: main GF gun data
bayen.Squirrel: Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException at bayen.AcornSlingshot.onScannedRobot( at bayen.Squirrel.onScannedRobot( at robocode.peer.robot.EventManager.onScannedRobot(Unknown Source) at robocode.peer.robot.EventManager.processEvents(Unknown Source) at robocode.peer.RobotPeer.tick(Unknown Source) at robocode.peer.RobotPeer.turnRadar(Unknown Source) at robocode.Robot.turnRadarRight(Unknown Source) at at Source) at Source)WHY?!?!?!?! Please someone look at my code and tell me. --Bayen
Bug fixed :) --Bayen
Can someone help me implement a VirtualGun? array for this bot? I want to use a CT gun and a HOT gun. I'm not sure how to begin... -Bayen
Check out VirtualBullets/VirtualBulletsSampleBot for a sample of virtual guns. I've also added screenshot of the bot in action at the top of the VirtualBullets page. --David Alves
Thanks! I'll get right to work :) --Bayen
And I tried, and I failed.... Could someone help with debugging this implementation? It's basically VirtualBulletsSampleBot? reconfigured onto Squirrel. The gun source can be found at . The code WILL compile, but for some reason it gets an error:
bayen.Squirrel: Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException at bayen.AcornSlingshot.onScannedRobot( at bayen.Squirrel.onScannedRobot( at robocode.peer.robot.EventManager.onScannedRobot(Unknown Source) at robocode.peer.robot.EventManager.processEvents(Unknown Source) at robocode.peer.RobotPeer.tick(Unknown Source) at robocode.peer.RobotPeer.turnRadar(Unknown Source) at robocode.Robot.turnRadarRight(Unknown Source) at at Source) at Source)I have a hunch that the error is somehow in this code because when I take it out, the error goes away. The downside is: I can't fire without this code:
target = new RobotState(); target.setLocation(me.project(e.getBearingRadians() + Squirrel.getHeadingRadians(), e.getDistance())); target.heading = e.getHeadingRadians(); target.velocity = e.getVelocity(); = e.getName();However, the error message says that there are some problems with the bot code, too (which is at ), so I am checking that too. I am pretty much stumped. Could someone give me some help? --Bayen
I'd need to see the rest of the code to be able to know for sure, but my first thought is to make sure that 'me' is initialized before that code is executed. --wcsv
You're right! Thanks so much! Everyone here is so helpful, it's awesome. Thanks again! --Bayen
Hey Bayen, do you want to see a fight with hardly any hits? Pitch in Gruwel against Squirrel and watch all the bullets fly by. You will also see a minor issue for improvement: do not shoot yourself disabled. -- GrubbmGait
I did, it's funny! :) But which version of Squirrel do you have? I thought I put in something so that if it's not hitting 75% or more of the time it won't shoot once its energy drops to 5... --Bayen
The version I watched is bayen.Squirrel_1.25 (is corrected to bayen.nut.Squirrel_1.25). RR@Home was complaining about it, so I downloaded it and checked what was wrong. Then I also watched some battles against some of my own bots. -- GrubbmGait
I think I broke something in 1.50! I dropped almost 75 places in the RR@H. Maybe it's the flattening for my WaveSurfing... I must improve it! --Bayen
I'm stumped (with another error). Here it is:
bayen.nut.Squirrel: Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException
at bayen.nut.FleetFeet?.onHitByBullet?(FleetFeet?.java:338) at bayen.nut.Squirrel.onHitByBullet?( at robocode.peer.robot.EventManager?.onHitByBullet?(Unknown Source) at robocode.peer.robot.EventManager?.processEvents(Unknown Source) at robocode.peer.RobotPeer?.tick(Unknown Source) at robocode.peer.RobotPeer?.turnRadar(Unknown Source) at robocode.Robot.turnRadarRight?(Unknown Source) at at robocode.peer.RobotPeer?.run(Unknown Source) at Source)
It doesn't happen every round, but it happens often enough to affect my score. It happens when I get hit by a bullet. (not EVERY time I get hit by a bullet, but it only happens if I have just been hit by the bullet.) I don't know why! --Bayen
What version of Squirrel? If it's a dev version, could you share some source code? I'd start on line 338 of FleetFeet?.java, of course... ;) -- Voidious
Okay. This is what's at 338:
if(_myLocation.distance(hitWave.fireLocation) > 90 //if they're not too close && ( !(getFactorIndex(hitWave, hitBulletLocation) <= 20 //and not shooting HOT if we're anti-HOT moving &&getFactorIndex(hitWave, hitBulletLocation) >= 25 &&waveSurf&&!flatten) || ( !(getFactorIndex(hitWave, hitBulletLocation) <= 42//and not shooting LT if we're antiLTing &&getFactorIndex(hitWave, hitBulletLocation) >= 47 &&!waveSurf) ) || (waveSurf && flatten)//or we are waveSurfing ) ) hitsThisRound++; //add a hit to this round //then make neccessary changes: if(waveSurf && !flatten){ if((hitsThisRound > Squirrel.getRoundNum())){ hitsThisRound = 0; waveSurf = false; } } if(!waveSurf){ if((hitsThisRound > Squirrel.getRoundNum())){ hitsThisRound = 0; waveSurf = true; flatten = true; }It's in onHitByBullet? and it decides what movement I will be using. If waveSurf == true and flatten == false, it will do the anti-HOT movement. If waveSurf == false and flatten == false it will do the anti-LT/CT movement. If waveSurf == true and flatten == true it will do the waveSurfing movement.
I think this is where the error starts. If this isn't enough, I can create another release temporarily and upload it.
The error seems to be inside the giant if statement. I'm still working on pinpointing it. Help please?!?--Bayen
It's probably _myLocation. You could confirm that by adding something like:
if (_myLocation == null) { System.out.println("Yes, it's _myLocation that's the source of my NPE."); }
. If it were any of the other objects there, you would see getFactorIndex? in the stack trace. I assume "Squirrel" is a reference to the AdvancedRobot itself? You should be updating that reference each round, too, if you aren't already... (By the way, which line exactly is 338?) -- Voidious
I added that line and it never printed, so I don't think it is _myLocation. Squirrel is a reference to the AdvancedRobot, and it does get updated every round (because I reconstruct my movement class every round). And 338 (which is actually now 339 since I added the debugger line) is if(_myLocation.distance(hitWave.fireLocation) > 90
. --Bayen
Oh, then it's gotta be hitWave. If it were fireLocation, you would get the NullPointerException within Point2D.distance instead. (You'd have another line after onHitByBullet? in your stack trace.) Where does hitWave get created? -- Voidious
It's hitWave. I added if(hitWave != null) {...} and the NPE disappeared. Thanks! --Bayen
Okay, I've been working at Squirrel for a while today with negligible results. So I released 1.55 just for fun. Could someone take a look at it and just give me suggestions if you have time? --Bayen
Are you sure that your GF gun is working properly? Until you're 100% sure, I wouldn't bother with movement. Also, I would disable VirtualGuns while you're working on your GF gun. I'd also use the debugging graphics to draw stuff onto the screen so you can visually check if you have any errors. For example, you could draw waves, draw an indicator where GF1 is, etc. Good luck! --David Alves
Ironically, the GF gun is fine, but the VG array is awry. I accidentally messed something up while modifying it and made it select the wrong gun. Now it should be better in 1.57. Also, I think my WaveSurfing has improved since the last release. At least, that's what it seemed like when I was testing. You never know how it will do in the rumble. I'm just going to wait and see :) --Bayen
YAY! 1.57 finally got into the top 100 of the Roborumble! That's my first time :D. I don't know how well 1.58 will do, though. I just put it in. All I changed was some segmentations of the main GF gun, but who knows what that will affect. Anyway, I'm sort of stuck on what to do next. Any ideas? --Bayen
Congratulations! It could be good to test Squirrel in the MovementChallenge2K6 and TargetingChallenge2K6 to see if it has any deficit. I would test every gun separately in the challenge and use only the best two or three Guns, one vs bad moving bots and one or two vs good ones. --Krabb
You will get your bot processed a whole lot faster if you do not use the new interface options. (I do not know if there are more interface changes than the setColors method.) Some people, including David Alves and myself, run the Rumble with 1.0.7, and any bots that try to use the new interface will fail and get a score of 0, which doesn't hurt their rating but it means they are just wasting time and not getting the benefit of battles run by those people (which is a lot). I am not trying to say you can't use the latest version, but it is beneficial to you to avoid it. -- Martin
I'm using 1.1.3 for RRAH now, because sometimes 1.0.6 was producing nonzero scores for bots even if they immediately crashed due to setColors
. --David Alves
Okay, in the next release I will use the old setColors
Wow, adding data saving between matches bumped Squirrel up over 50 places in the rumble! I didn't know what I was missing! (and some help from extremely cutting down on the VG array) --Bayen
I dunno, I kinda doubt that you could attribute so much of the jump to the stats saving. It depends on the gun, of course, but I think it's probably only worth 5-10 points, in general. (Unless you pre-loaded it with data on everyone...) Always nice to see such a huge improvement, in any case ;) -- Voidious