Yup: The actual ratings got screwed up pretty good though, and it might take a good while to recover. Everybody should stand up and start their RR@H clients. -- PEZ test |
This problem has become rather big on the RoboWiki lately. Particularly the activity of linking up external sites. This is most often done by web robots I think. Which means a solution might be to password protect the edit action of the wiki. The problem with this is that I'm not entirely sure on how to do this without my precious mod_rewrite (which isn't available to me in the current wiki hosting environment). Meanwhile, I need your help. Whenever you see that a page has been vandalised;
Thanks in advance,
-- PEZ
There are approx. 25 bots missing from the mini-, micro-, and nano-rankings. Is this a result of this latest spam attack and will they recover automatically (when a battle is fought)? -- GrubbmGait
Answering myself: This was a result of messing-up the participants-list. It will recover automatically when a battle is fought. -- GrubbmGait
Yup: The actual ratings got screwed up pretty good though, and it might take a good while to recover. Everybody should stand up and start their RR@H clients. -- PEZ test