My micro
OneOnOne bot Spark.
It's a open source bot,feel free to use its source code.but not just copy and paste most code to be a new bot.
version 0.1 :
Similar movement of Lacrimas,Basic Pattern Analyzer,only analyse when the gun is it it very fast,at least very faster than Smoke. -- (codesize 660)
version 0.6 (2003.4.28)
* 0.6:Changed movement to Smoke's.
* use ChaseBullets shoot strategy now.(codesize 739)
Great, I want to try it. Where can I download it?
How competitive is it?
It get 9# in 1v1 and the second Microbot in eternal-rumble.(2003.5.2)
How does it move?
random move around enemy. (its similar to
Lacrimas's movement.)
How does it fire?
use a basic pattern analyzer.
random move can dodge some.:-)
How does the melee strategy differ from one-on-one strategy?
Just a
OneOnOne bot.
Where did you get the name?
Smokeing in the night,throw the
Cigaret down to floor,it become a Spark!!