TacticalTeamSetting -
/Development -
/PortingYourBot -
/Tactic -
/Participant -
/ChangeLog -
/Competition -
/FunStuff -
Differences with normal Robocode
The biggest difference with normal Robocode is that your bot reappear in a random location after it died. The bot reappears after 50 ticks. This mean that during all the round there are approximatly the same number of bot on the battlefield.
There's another big difference, it's that you can suicide by firing all your energy.
Now RobocodeDeathMatch is totally functional.
Current release is Beta 5.
Check https://membres.lycos.fr/robocode for online result and for submitting a bot (any bot accepted).
Download page https://www.geocities.com/synnalagma/dm.html
How does it work
You must run the jar you downloaded and choose a directory where you have an installed robocode. Then run RDMServer.bat (the server with message and results) and RDM.bat (robocode) with bot extendings DeathMatchRobot?. What's cool is that you have real time results...
- Many kind of ranking very easy to allow other ranking since you only need to subclass one class, the server automatically reconize them and integrate them.
- An engine to run multiple melee battles (by using the RoboRumble classes).
- Rules by time limit or frag limit or both(in this case the first limit reached)
- Cool message about suicide and kill
- Saving and loading global ranking I think we can now make a competition with it
- Not overriding any original robocode file
What's next
- I think it would be really cool to have a graph with evolution of each robot position on the server, I don't know how to do it if someone want to do it....
You want to do some things
- Great !!! One thing I can't do is writting in correct english. I have a bad english and sometime things looks more complicated because it's not well written. If you can correct some page like this one, /Competition /PortingYourBot or /Participant it would be really great. If you see error in the help please tell me.
Put any comment, suggestions and what you want
I Put the discussion in /Development since it's what it was --Synnalagma
You seem to have come pretty far with this! Is it for
Melee battle only or do you deal with OneOn
? One matches as well? I only have 1v1 bots you know... --
Actually it's only for Melee battle but OneOnOne could come if some are interested in it. --Synnalagma
Well, I sure am interested in it. -- PEZ
In fact there will be 4 competitions Melee, OneOnOne, Melee with QuadDamage? (around center) and OneOnOne with QuadDamage? (around corners). Since the Wiki is entirely modulable (and the new engine also) new competition are very easy to set (the engine query the wiki about new rule set). --Synnalagma
Uh, what's "frag"? --Bayen
Frag is short for fragmentation, as in a kill with a fragmentation grenade. It is slang for a kill. -- Martin
Also, the original term also meant killing one of your own troops, IIRC, but Doom pretty much changed the commonly accepted meaning of the term to what Martin said. (And I suppose that in a Doom deathmatch, you were always killing "one of your own", technically.) -- Voidious