Its a stubborn hard shooting rammer! Just thought I do a fun crazed stoopid bot.
Not competitive at all. More like a good early bot to beat for newbies.
Runs after the enemy, trying to shortcut it using my circular targeting algorithm. Once he hits the enemy he backs up and rams him again and again.
Fire power 3 bullets using circular and linear targeting, while chasing his enemy.
It doesnt. It runs headstrong into whatever comes his way!
Currently it doesnt have a melee strategy. Though it bashes the nearest robot in sight.
Nothing. Zip! Nada!!!!
"There is nothing more seriuos than a rhinocerous charging up your ass!"
Ehm... you don't wanna use my code... :P
The retirement home. its has forfilled its purpose :)
Jimp and Interceptor just as Booring.