My newest project.... peace.
Will be written using a new movement scheeme allowing better moving and wallavoidance. also I have som new tactics up in my sleeve. Lets se how they turn out....
Not yet....
As competitive as any pre alpha bot is!
I'm still into randomness and random strategies. This bot will also lay the ground for my next project wich is a self learning bot. (yeah from scratch).
Hopefully I will have a 10 gun (at least) virtual bullet manager with early learners and late learners and a smart algorithm to select which algoirtm is doing momentarily best at the moment. Not the strongest gun on the wiki but I'm hoping my movement will make up for it.
Not decided fully yet, but a pattern that looks like a flower will probopbly be the ground for its movement.
Currently it doesnt have any strategy yet.
It *might* save some data between rounds. No specific enemy info, but own variable tweaking.
From the movementpattern that will make the foundation if its movement. (Looks like a flower)
Ehm... you don't wanna use my code... :P
Its a tough pregnancy but hopefully it will come out soon!
Not at the moment.
Booring is its predecessor, and it will inherit alot from it, though the basic foundation is new tactics and thinking.