A robot that isn't limited in its codesize, but is penalized for it. In the
RobocodeLittleLeague, there is a
FemtoBot division in which all battle scores are divided by the codesizes of the two contestants. For instance, let's say you have two robots, appropriately called RobotA
? and RobotB
?. They battle and come up with RobotA
? winning the battle 4000-3000. Who won the battle? Let's say RobotA
? is 100 bytes and RobotB
? is 50 bytes. Their Femto-battle score would now be 40-60 in favor of RobotB
?. Their scores in the
RobocodeLittleLeague would now be calculated as if RobotB
? got 60% of the total score for the battle.
Is the formula to adjust the smaller size score 'small bot score' * 'big bot size'/'small bot size' ? -- Albert
I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking. Just take the ELO-based function from Paul's website, and substitute robotscore1/robotcodesize1 for robotscore1, and robotscore2/robotcodesize2 for robotscore2. At some point, that means the % of total score for a bot is (botscore/botsize)/(botscore/botsize+enemyscore/enemysize). -- Kawigi
Heh, if it were possible to make a bot with 0 in codesize, would have some funny results. Quietus