- /Eclipse? https://www.eclipse.org - Learn to love it. :-) -- David Alves
- https://www.vim.org - If you can learn it you'll love it! -- PEZ
- [An explanation by an IntelliJ switcher from VIM]
- Actually I think this dude has never seen VIM, because then he should know that most of the features he so loves with this $500 BloatWare? are present in the much more affordable VIM. He's probably confused and means he's a Visual Studio .Net switcher. -- PEZ
- I take some of that back. VIM might be able to do some of that magic, but I haven't found any ready cooked scripts for it so IntelliJ? does something for the money it costs. =) -- PEZ
- [NetBeans IDE]
- [JCreator: A lightweight and very fast java/html editor for Windows] - Love and Learn -- Ray Vermette
- [JBuilder] - big and beautiful -- Ray Vermette
- [IntelliJ IDEA] - superb Java IDE including loads of powerful refactoring techniques & intergation to source control/Ant? Build Management. Try it by downloading the evaluation.Hexkid
- [Gel] - Excellent FREE Java IDE for the Windows Platform. Developed in Delphi !! Has a v small download and memory footprint. Incredibly fast - My favourite 'Lite' IDE Hexkid
- [RealJ] - another fast and lightweight Java IDE, including support for projects and Ant. Loki
- [Syn] - A lightweight yet powerful text editor for Windows. Includes syntax highlighting for many languages, and excellent find/replace capabilities that include regular expression support and the ability to search through all files in a directory. -- Voidious
- [TextWrangler] - A lightweight, "bare bones" style text editor for Mac OS X that's free and very nice. I use Eclipse for my main development, but for a lot of things that don't require or make good use of what Eclipse has to offer, I prefer to use something more lean and mean. A more full-featured Mac editor (but not free) from the same company is [BBEdit]. -- Voidious