I may update this site but i don'thave the time to do this. Not really nice,i know
Now that i can say full of pride, that i managed to jump into tht top10 i looked back and remembered how i started robocoding. My first primitive bots that got slaughter even by the samples. Then i found linear and circulat targeting and i took one step after the other. And here for all the people that just started robocoding like i did some time ago i have a link for you:
https://www.eternal-rumble.com/results.jsp . There you can see bot from my very first time of robocode. Dont try to search bots starting with cf. at the top :D (i am sorry that the eternal rumble was not really eternal. would be nice to see better cf. bots there, but anyway) . Continue trying and you will get better and better...
And of cause i have to say a BIG, BIG, thank you to all the people that helped me on this way.
Here you can see my bots:
Advanved Bots:
My first Robots:
- c8 meant as a melee bot.To bad...
- t6 melee bot.I'll maybe use its movement for anothers melee bot - later
mailto:deathconmail AT gmx D.O.T net