My first "smart" bot. Simple randomized dodging algorithm and a very simple (my first) patternmatcher.
My first smart bot? :P Focused on survival only. If you ask me the robot who still is in one peice when the dust clears is the winner.
Not very competitive at the moment. Its "old", though the first versions is more competitive because of bugs in the code ;)
It doesnt. It only sits still waiting for the enemy to fire bullets to dodge.
Uses a very simple pattern matcher combined with circular and linear targeting.
Keeps perpendicular to its enemy and reacts to enemy fire by randomizing distance to travel either forward or backward. Still got crappy wallavoidance. My wallavoidance algorithm is separated for general movement so sometimes (for good and bad) it does some funny things around the walls. :P
One nice bug is that it mistakes some (note some) hits to be enemy fire and reacts accordingly giving an extra random varible when fighting.
Currently it doesnt have a melee strategy. only 1vs1.
Nothing. Zip! Nada!!!!
The idea behind Booring was to move as little as possible, thus have a very "Booring" play style.. though it ended up miving like crazy, but I kept the name still :)
Ehm... you don't wanna use my code... :P
The scrapyard. Maybe I'll continue Boorings approach but right now it seems old and gone. Maybe fitting him with better guns would be cool, but I'm going for a new bot instead.
PrarieWolf? and Sandbox DT. Was very focused on sandbox for a while and then suddenly it beat prariewolf when i tested it :) From then on its DT and lately Marshmallow who has ran past me during my absence lately.
Before beeing Booring I experimented with never released Jimp and Interceptor which both had different randomized movement. (same guns though).
Hell yeah! :) And you beat it pretty easy too! I didn't know that this upcomer PEZ would be so dedicated ;) Just for fun try pitting your latest marshmallow against Booring version 1.0 ;) -- Jimpa