Equal to the enemy's lateral velocity divided by their distance from you.
An enemy 100 units away is driving forwards perpendicular to you at 8 units / tick. They are going counterclockwise around you. Their LateralVelocity is -8 since they are going counterclockwise. Their AngularVelocity is -.08.
An enemy 200 units away is driving backwards towards you at 8 units / tick. They are going clockwise around you. They are 30 degrees off from going straight at you. Their velocity is -8 since they are moving backwards. Their LateralVelocity is +4, positive because they are moving clockwise and 4 because they are 30 degrees off from approaching you directly, and the sine of 30 degrees is .5. Their AngularVelocity is .02.
How to calculate:
Velocity: scannedRobotEvent?.getVelocity() LateralVelocity: velocity * Math.sin(scannedRobotEvent?.getHeadingRadians() - scannedRobotEvent?.getBearingRadians?() + getHeadingRadians()) AngularVelocity: lateralVelocity / scannedRobotEvent?.getDistance()
I don't really understand the question asked here. I doubt using angular velocity would really allow you to reduce segmentation though. If you don't have the distance segmentation there's instead the risk that you get quite polluted data buckets I think. -- PEZ
Well I wasn't very clear I guess. I'm trying to concentrate on writing a bot but just end up reading more and more, testing and watching. Trying roborumble etc etc Then it's time for sleep and work :) Let me rephrase the question/statement evne though it's late and I might make it worse! Let's say you have your data segmented into distance and lateral velocity. If you would add a segment of let's say x=distance*latervelocity that would be meaningless as that is what you are already doing but even more segmented. Division should amount to the same thing, sort of. Am I making any sense? -- Pulsar
Yes, I totally agree. I tend to segment on primitive data and let the more sophisticated segmentations sort them self out in this matrix. Like I segment on velocity and last_tick_velocity instead of segmenting on acceleration. -- PEZ