[Home]History of Voidious

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Revision 115 . . (edit) June 4, 2008 16:13 EST by Voidious [misc updates]
Revision 114 . . December 7, 2007 5:50 EST by Voidious [updating TwinDuel code, adding Jen, reorganizing a little]
Revision 113 . . November 2, 2007 19:41 EST by bi-02pt1.bluebird.ibm.com [nosy: RPI?]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 3c3
I'm a 25 year old college Senior graduate, majoring in Computer Science. I took a stab at Robocode in late 2002 just before starting my college career, but never got much past LinearTargeting and PerpendicularMovement. I took another look in Fall of 2005, and in less than a week, I was completely hooked!
I'm a 25 26 27 year old college Senior majoring in Computer Science graduate software engineer. I took a stab at Robocode in late 2002 just before starting my college career, but never got much past LinearTargeting and PerpendicularMovement. I took another look in Fall of 2005, and in less than a week, I was completely hooked!

Changed: 5c5
I've got some web sites, though most are not updated often and/or just out of date: (partially thanks to Robocode)
I've got some personal web sites, though most are not updated often and/or just out of date. I used to be able to blame it on Robocode - these days, it's more often work, guitar, and Smash Bros that command my primary focus.

Changed: 13c13
** Lukious - Built from the shell of Dookious, Lukious is a duelist that uses DynamicClustering for data analysis in both movement and targeting.
* Lukious - Built from the shell of Dookious, Lukious is a duelist that uses DynamicClustering for data analysis in both movement and targeting.

Changed: 18c18,19
* BrokenSword - Born from LuminariousDuo, this is a melee MiniBot. It's around #10 in the melee MiniBot rankings, but I'd love to get it into the top 5 (or 1) some day. =)
* BrokenSword - Born from LuminariousDuo, this is a melee MiniBot. It's around #10 in the melee MiniBot rankings, but I'd love to get it into the top 5 (or 1) some day. =)
* Jen - A MicroBot duelist, using GuessFactorTargeting, RandomMovement and StopAndGo. Currently #8 in the MicroRumble.

Changed: 21c22
* TwinDuel - A 2v2, CodeSize restricted survivalist competition that I run weekly. The tourney consists of a round robin where everyone faces each other 1 or more times (these days, always 1) to determine the seeding for a traditional, single elimination bracket tourney, with the finals being best of 3. Originally, I just automated the round robin, but now the entire tourney is automated. Get the source code here: [TwinDuelUtil_002.zip]. Thanks to Albert for his RoboRumble code, which I used to learn how to do some things, and copied a little code from, as well.
* TwinDuel - A 2v2, CodeSize restricted survivalist competition that I run weekly. The tourney consists of a round robin where everyone faces each other 1 or more times (these days, always 1) to determine the seeding for a traditional, single elimination bracket tourney, with the finals being best of 3. Originally, I just automated the round robin, but now the entire tourney is automated. Get the source code here: [TwinDuelUtil_003.zip]. Thanks to Albert for his RoboRumble code, which I used to learn how to do some things, and copied a little code from, as well.

Changed: 25c26
Once upon a time, my handle was "Void". (If you were around at the dawn of FPS internet gaming, you might remember me from PlanetQuake?!) One night, I was "Darth Voidious" for a gaming session where we all played with Star Wars themed names (around the time of Episode I). Eventually, "Voidious" stuck, and the gaming scene got far too big for "Void" to be a unique handle... So after a bit of a hiatus from gaming, I got back into it a bit and used "Voidious" exclusively.
Once upon a time, my handle was "Void". (If you were around at the dawn of FPS internet gaming, you might remember me from PlanetQuake!) One night, I was "Darth Voidious" for a gaming session where we all played with Star Wars themed names (around the time of Episode I). Eventually, "Voidious" stuck, and the gaming scene got far too big for "Void" to be a unique handle... So after a bit of a hiatus from gaming, I got back into it a bit and used "Voidious" exclusively.

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