[Home]History of RoboRumble

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Revision 103 . . April 2, 2009 14:45 EST by Darkcanuck [moved question]
Revision 102 . . April 2, 2009 14:20 EST by CPE0011d8d68637-CM001ceacce44e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com
Revision 101 . . April 2, 2009 13:47 EST by CPE0011d8d68637-CM001ceacce44e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com
Revision 100 . . April 2, 2009 0:23 EST by ppp-58-8-187-241.revip2.asianet.co.th
Revision 99 . . May 5, 2006 0:30 EST by Voidious [restored from vandalism]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 37c37,38
Hi, When I'm running the melee roborumble it seems to be fighting the bots 1 on 1. it declares the 2 bots fighting and then the 1st and second place winner.. Can someone confirm my bot "justin.MallaisV08? (and others) are actually fighting melee (10 bots) 1000*1000 bf.... there also seems to be alot of errors while running meleeRumble ,,, is that normal?? Thanks guys -justin (jlm0924)

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