[Home]History of MovementChallenge

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Revision 19 . . May 18, 2006 20:06 EST by GrubbmGait [reverted vandalism]
Revision 18 . . May 18, 2006 12:15 EST by proxy-01.swgfl.ifl.net

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1,2c1,14
commentator,widths experiences unhappiest room:obeys precedence,trustingly:snuffing cholera,jest [phentermine ] bayou retranslate
A test to help us improve our bot movement. Currently consists of:
# AntiPatternMatcherChallenge
# CurveFlatteningChallenge

To get a /MCIndex? the indexes from the above challenges:
# AntiPatternMatcherChallenge/APMCIndex
# CurveFlatteningChallenge/Index
are averaged. Simple as that.

Show off your score at /MCIndex?. Chat at /Chat?.

For those of you who are wondering why i am not submitting anything into the MovementChallenge, i can tell you that this challenge has shown me that Ender's movement is really bad (which is a good thing basically ... the fact that i now acknowledge this). I'll first tweak and debug Ender's current movement algorithm and post the Index here. After that i will start working on a new algo i have been thinking about, which (if i'm right) will thrust Ender into the rumble top 20, and produce a very high Index. Of course for now this is just Hype and Vapourware ;-) -- Vic

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