[Home]History of MRMovementChallenge

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Revision 19 . . (edit) July 30, 2006 17:51 EST by Kev [1.1 uses the same movement as 1.03]
Revision 17 . . (edit) July 29, 2006 22:59 EST by GrubbmGait [comment]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 12c12
| Logic 1.03 | Kev | 1687 | 2006/07/26 |
| Logic 1.1 | Kev | 1687 | 2006/07/26 |

Changed: 17,21c17,19
The code for HawkOnFire's bullet power selection/shooting is
if(getGunTurnRemaining() == 0 && myEnergy > 1) {
setFire(Math.min(Math.min(myEnergy/6, 1300/distanceToTarget), target.energy/3));

The gun turn is standard HeadOnTargeting:
setTurnGunRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing(target.position, myPosition) - getGunHeadingRadians()));

The code for HawkOnFire's bullet power selection is.
setFire(Math.min(Math.min(myEnergy/6, 1300/distanceToTarget), target.energy/3));

The gun turn is standard HeadOnTargeting (shooting towards the last position you've scanned the enemy at):
setTurnGunRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing(target.position, myPosition) - getGunHeadingRadians()));

Added: 51a50,52

I think the radar shouldn't have much effect on the score, and some movements rely on a radar lock to dected EnergyDrop for bullet dodging. For now, I'm leaving the radar non-standardized. I've also removed some of the sample code because it's confusing and doesn't behave the way it should in some cases. The gun doesn't have to be word for word from HawkOnFire as long as it's pure HeadOnTargeting (although the energy management must stay same). -- Kev

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