[Home]History of HowToRunRobocodeInBatchMode

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Revision 6 . . (edit) March 27, 2007 18:26 EST by LuVar [turns per second]
Revision 5 . . March 25, 2007 20:50 EST by Fnl
Revision 4 . . March 16, 2007 17:25 EST by Kawigi

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 7c7
** -tps 35 -> sets speed (TODO)
** -tps 35 -> sets turns per second (speed of game, if not run without graphics)

Added: 23a24,25

Yes. I can add that -tps (turns per second) was previously named -fps (frames per second). However, if you run the game minimized using -nodisplay, then there is no need of setting -tps as it will always run at full speed in minimized mode. --Fnl

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