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package taqho;

import robocode.*;

import java.awt.Color;


 * Seed - My first robot
 * Step 1: Focus on learning to move around.
 *  There seem to be wall huggers and corner huggers, but the in thing seems to be anti-grav 
 *  robots which move randomly but avoiding walls. 
 *  This version will stick to basics. Corners to start with.
 * Things to learn later:
 *  - avoiding walls
 *  - avoiding other robots (is this necessary)
 *  - When locating a target, track them if they move
 *  - when locating a target, track them when I move
 *  - when locating a target, track them when we both move
 *  - what to do when I get hit by a robot
 *  - what to do when I get hit by a bullet
 *  - can I optimise usage of heat to shot as soon as possible thereafter
 *  - scanning quickly
 *  - strobing an enemy in target to avoid bullets from it
 *  - float close to the wall 

public class Seed extends Robot {

	// General class variables
	final double wallMargin = 35;

	final int STATE_GOTOCORNER = 1;
	final int STATE_INCORNER = 2;
	int state = STATE_GOTOCORNER;

	// Corner variables
	double cornerX;
	double cornerY;
	int currentCorner = 0;
	int newCorner = 0;

	// Scanning variables
	final int SCAN_RIGHT = 1;
	final int SCAN_LEFT = 2;
	double scanStart;
	double scanEnd;
	int    scanDirection = SCAN_RIGHT;
	int    scanSweeps = 10;
	int    scanStep = 5;

	// Movement variables
	final boolean MOVE_FORWARD = true;
	final boolean MOVE_BACKWARD = false;
	boolean moveDirection;	
	boolean damaged = false;

	public void run() {	
		setColors(Color.green, Color.black, Color.yellow);

		double distance;

		while (true) {
			distance = 50;
			// Check distance in case I get waylaid or blocked
			while (distance > 40) {
				gotoXY(cornerX, cornerY);
				distance = distanceToXY?(cornerX, cornerY);
			state = STATE_INCORNER;
			currentCorner = newCorner;

	public void choseCorner() {
		while (newCorner == currentCorner) {
			newCorner = (int)(Math.random()*4+1);
		switch (newCorner) {
			case 1:
				cornerX = wallMargin;
				cornerY = wallMargin;
				scanStart = -5;
				scanEnd = 95;
			case 2:
				cornerX = wallMargin;
				cornerY = getBattleFieldHeight?() - wallMargin;
				scanStart = 85;
				scanEnd = 185;
			case 3:
				cornerX = getBattleFieldWidth?() - wallMargin;
				cornerY = getBattleFieldHeight?() - wallMargin;
				scanStart = 175;
				scanEnd = 275;
			case 4:
				cornerX = getBattleFieldWidth?() - wallMargin;
				cornerY = wallMargin;
				scanStart = 265;
				scanEnd = 365;


	public double distanceToXY?(double x, double y) {
		double xDiff = Math.abs(x - getX());
		double yDiff = Math.abs(y - getY());
		return Math.sqrt(xDiff*xDiff + yDiff+yDiff);		

	public void scanArenaFromCorner?() {
		// Start aiming
		double needToTurn? = scanStart - getGunHeading?();
		out.println("needToTurn?=" + needToTurn? + " = " + scanStart + " - " + getGunHeading?());
		scanDirection = SCAN_RIGHT;
		int sweeps = 0;

		// Determine duration of scanning from here
		if (getOthers() > 2) {
			scanSweeps = 5;
		} else { // Fewer robots, move more...
			scanSweeps = 1;

		damaged = false;												

		while (sweeps < scanSweeps && !damaged) {
			if (scanDirection == SCAN_RIGHT) {
				if (getGunHeading?() > scanEnd) {
					scanDirection = SCAN_LEFT;
					sweeps += 1;
			} else {
				if (getGunHeading?() < scanStart) {
					scanDirection = SCAN_RIGHT;
					sweeps += 1;


	public void gotoXY(double toX, double toY) {

		if (getX() + toX < getWidth()) toX += (getWidth()/2);
		else if (getX() + toX > (getBattleFieldWidth?() - getWidth())) toX -= (getWidth()/2);

		if (getY() + toY < getWidth()) toY += (getWidth()/2);
		else if (getY() + toY > (getBattleFieldHeight?() - getWidth())) toY -= (getWidth()/2);

		double relativeToX? = toX - getX();
		double relativeToY? = toY - getY();
		double headingToXY? = radToDeg?(this.arctan(relativeToX?, relativeToY?));		
		double tankTurn = headingToXY? - getHeading();		
		double distance = Math.sqrt(relativeToX?*relativeToX? + relativeToY?*relativeToY?);

		tankTurn = normalRelativeAngle(tankTurn);

		if (tankTurn > 90 || tankTurn < -90) {
			moveDirection = MOVE_BACKWARD;
		} else {
			moveDirection = MOVE_FORWARD;

		if (moveDirection) {
		} else {

	 * onScannedRobot:  Fire!
	public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
		if (e.getDistance() < 50 && getEnergy() > 50)
		if (!damaged) scan();

	 * onHitRobot?:  Aim at it.  Fire Hard!
	public void onHitRobot?(HitRobotEvent? e) {
		double turnGunAmt? = normalRelativeAngle(e.getBearing() + getHeading() - getGunHeading?());

	 * onHitByBullet?: What to do when you're hit by a bullet
	public void onHitByBullet?(HitByBulletEvent? e) {
			damaged = true;		
			double turnGunAmt? = normalRelativeAngle(e.getBearing() + getHeading() - getGunHeading?());

	 * normalRelativeAngle:  returns angle such that -180<angle<=180
	public double normalRelativeAngle(double angle) {
		if (angle > -180 && angle <= 180)
			return angle;
		double fixedAngle = angle;
		while (fixedAngle <= -180)
			fixedAngle += 360;
		while (fixedAngle > 180)
			fixedAngle -= 360;
		return fixedAngle;

	private double normalizeAngle(double r)
		while(r>Math.PI) r-=2*Math.PI;
		while(r<-Math.PI) r+=2*Math.PI;
		return r;

	public double radToDeg?(double rad) {
		return rad * 180.0 / Math.PI;

	public double degToRad?(double deg) {
		return deg * Math.PI / 180.0;

	public double arctan( double dy, double dx) {
		if (dx == 0.0) {
			if (dy > 0.0) return Math.PI*0.5;
			else return Math.PI*1.5;
		} else {
			if ((dx > 0.0) && (dy > 0.0)) return normalizeAngle(Math.atan(dy/dx));
			else if ((dx < 0.0) && (dy > 0.0)) return normalizeAngle(Math.PI - Math.atan(dy/Math?.abs(dx)));
			else if ((dx < 0.0) && (dy < 0.0)) return normalizeAngle(Math.PI + Math.atan(dy/dx));
			else return normalizeAngle(Math.PI*2 - Math.atan(Math.abs(dy)/dx));


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Last edited January 19, 2003 23:35 EST by as4-3-7.asp.s.bonet.se (diff)