NeophytePRAL (Predictive Rolling Average Linear) takes a similar idea, but changes the segemntation to what the enemy was doing the last time I fired, so it can better hit oscillating movement.
Both bots exhibit quite a high specialization index, because their targetting is strong against some movement and weak against others.
Initially I did my best to come up with something new and original. I tried hard to resist copying Weekend Obsession too closely, so it wasn't until SRAL and PRAL had gained a decent rank that I allowed myself to copy Eric's cool and small pattern gun to see how it would go with my modified Freddie movement. Though NeophytePattern is the strongest, I am prouder of SRAL and PRAL as they contain more of my own ideas. Needless to say I was a little upset when later careful analysis of some other good nanobots revealed that SRAL's targetting was not that original after all.
In the Hedgehog microbots it proved even harder be be original. --- John Cleland
I can't seem to find these bots to download. Any hints? -- Simonton
I'm suspecting they were lost when RoboRepository? lost a big pile of bots. They might be hiding in [here] or [here] though. -- Rednaxela