Gruweltje is the little brother of Gruwel, it was not planned, but sometimes those things happen. Have you seen the movie 'Twins'? Gruwel is twice as big, but both are mean little bullys. Compared to its bigger brother the wall-avoidance is replaced by simple wall-bouncing, leaving its movement a bare double oscillator. Further the mini-style meleeradar is replaced by a nano-style meleeradar (as explained by Kawigi on the MeleeStrategy/UnderstandingCoriantumr page), it is less picky about its opponents and it does not bounce when hitting another bot. The gun is my 'standard' iterative CT-gun with one minor line removed for codesize reasons.
20050612: v 0.6 -- Yet another failed attempt to improve the melee performance. Rank Mega :181 -- Rating:1621 -- PL:174 Rank Mini : 70 -- Rating:1672 -- PL:72 Rank Micro: 37 -- Rating:1688 -- PL:35 Rank MegaMelee? :52 -- Rating:1637 Rank MiniMelee? :18 -- Rating:1670 Rank MicroMelee?:9 -- Rating:1703 Comment: Due to the increase of 'real' meleebots, Gruweltje can not hold its position anymore.
20050612: v 0.5 -- Yet another attempt to combine meleepower of 0.2 with OneOnOne-power of 0.3. Rank Mega :164 -- Rating:1617 -- PL:154 Rank Mini : 65 -- Rating:1668 -- PL:65 Rank Micro: 38 -- Rating:1684 -- PL:38 Rank MegaMelee? :39 -- Rating:1637 Rank MiniMelee? :14 -- Rating:1670 Rank MicroMelee?:7 -- Rating:1707 Comment: Unless I get new ideas, this version is as good as it gets.
20050605: v 0.4 -- Squeezed code, keep current enemy when another dies (in melee). Comment: Failed attempt, no real melee improvement
20050604: v 0.3 -- Squeezed code, less predictive wallbounce, less stuck in corners. Rank Mega :160 -- Rating:1618 -- PL:152 Rank Mini : 64 -- Rating:1670 -- PL: 69 Rank Micro: 36 -- Rating:1692 -- PL: 41 Rank MegaMelee? :49 -- Rating:1626 Rank MiniMelee? :20 -- Rating:1663 Rank MicroMelee?:12 -- Rating:1687 Comment: Nice one-on-one improvement, but ruined melee-performance
20050412: v 0.2 -- Replaced radar by nano-style meleeradar, improved first targetselection, added simple wallbounce. Rank Mega :179 -- Rating:1590 -- PL:177 Rank Mini : 75 -- Rating:1645 -- PL: 74 Rank Micro: 42 -- Rating:1670 -- PL: 42 Rank MegaMelee? :36 -- Rating:1653 Rank MiniMelee? :13 -- Rating:1693 Rank MicroMelee?: 7 -- Rating:1716 Comment: . . . and the ripples become bigger . . .
20050405: v 0.1 -- Removing wall-avoidance and some other stuff of Gruwel results in a half-sized bot. Rank Mega :193 -- Rating:1575 -- PL:191 Rank Mini : 79 -- Rating:1636 -- PL: 84 Rank Micro: 43 -- Rating:1660 -- PL: 46 Rank MegaMelee? :35 -- Rating:1663 Rank MiniMelee? :12 -- Rating:1712 Rank MicroMelee?: 6 -- Rating:1733 Comment: Generating some ripples in the micro-melee pond.
In one-on-one anonymously just above 1600, in micro-melee a top-8 bot.
Perpendicular oscillator movement with simple wall-bouncing. Due to the meleeradar is not purely perpendicular so it is a bit unpredictable.
Iterative circular gun with bulletpower adaption against 'wallshots'.
No difference and this is on purpose. With a continuus radarlock the one-on-one performance is approx 15 point lower.
Closest with a small preference for current target.
It is the little brother of Gruwel.
It's in the jar, under the RWPCL.
Probably nothing.
Like its bigger brother it is a result of a GrubbmGroup party.