It's my (
Rozus) first mini sized bot. its generally a Anti-Pattern-Matching version of
What's special about it?
it's his movement
Great, I want to try it. Where can I download it?
How competitive is it?
not bad. it's in the eternal rumble top 10 since I released it.
How does it move?
It assumes that his opponent uses the same gun. He creates a virtual bullet if an energy drop is detected. It generally uses the goTo function. but the heart of the movement system is the exact simulation of his future position. if it'll drive into a bullet the next 40 ticks it searches another point (the same way
GlowBlow does). then he does the same with the new bullet till it found a good point. 2 things have to be remarked:
- the result wont be a good movement.
my solution: fire some other bullets. "intelligent" use of HeadOnTargeting and RandomTargeting.
- If a virtual bullet is to close it can't evade a hit, it will run over all iterations without finding a new position.
my solution: each virtual bullet has a hitRadius, and this will be decreased in the simulation when a hit occurs.
How does it fire?
How does the melee strategy differ from one-on-one strategy?
no difference, it's a 1v1 bot
How does it select a target to attack/avoid in melee?
it's a 1v1 bot
What does it save between rounds and matches?
Where did you get the name?
GlowBlow and
Can I use your code?
currently not.
What's next for your robot?
I'm working on it... It wont be a mini bot any more. I'll implement file saving and
It hasn't a flat profile. So it has big problems against bots using
What other robot(s) is it based on?
Comments, questions, feedback: