package ahf; import robocode.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.awt.Color; /*andrew's first attempt at a statistical gun*/ /*has no movement and a really junky radar until gun works*/ public class R2d2 extends AdvancedRobot { int [] bins=new int[17]; ArrayList vBullets=new ArrayList(); Enemy target=new Enemy(); public void run() { for (int i=0;i<17;i++){ bins[i]=0; } setColors(Color.yellow,,; setAdjustGunForRobotTurn(true); setAdjustRadarForGunTurn(true); turnRadarRight(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); while (true){ updateVirtualBullets(); } } public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e){ target.updateEnemy(e.getName(),e.getHeadingRadians(),e.getBearingRadians(),e.getDistance(),e.getVelocity(),getX(),getY(),getHeadingRadians(),getTime(),e.getEnergy()); gunManager(e); setTurnRadarLeft(getRadarTurnRemaining()); clearAllEvents(); } public void onRobotDeath(RobotDeathEvent event){ setTurnRadarRight(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); } public void gunManager(ScannedRobotEvent e){ fireVirtualBullets(); double angle=e.getBearingRadians()+getHeadingRadians()-getGunHeadingRadians(); int highestbin=0; for (int i=1;i<17;i++){ if (bins[i]>bins[highestbin]) highestbin=i; } for (int i=0;i<17;i++){//debug code out.println("bin"+(i-8)+" "+bins[i]); } out.println(highestbin-8); double offset=Math.toRadians((highestbin-8)*5.4*(target.lastVelocity<0?-1:1)); setTurnGunRightRadians(robocode.util.Utils.normalRelativeAngle(angle+offset)); if (getGunHeat()==0) setFire(3); } public void fireVirtualBullets(){ for (int i=-8;i<8;i++){ /*Shoot the virtual bullets*/ VBullet tempbullet=new VBullet(getX(),getY(),robocode.util.Utils.normalRelativeAngle(target.enemyBearing+getHeadingRadians())+Math.toRadians(i*5.4),getTime(),3,i); vBullets.add(tempbullet); } } public void updateVirtualBullets(){ /*Manages the virtual bullets*/ /*Check to see if virtual bullets hit*/ for (int i=0;i<vBullets.size();i++){ VBullet tempbullet=(VBullet)vBullets.get(i); tempbullet.updateBullet(getTime()); if (tempbullet.targetWasHit(target.xPos,target.yPos,getTime())){ /*put in bin*/ bins[tempbullet.index+8]++; vBullets.remove(i); } } /*Delete the virtual bullets when they get out of range*/ for (int i=0;i<vBullets.size();i++){ VBullet tempbullet=tempbullet=(VBullet)vBullets.get(i); tempbullet.updateBullet(getTime()); if (tempbullet.outOfRange(target.xPos,target.yPos,getTime())){ vBullets.remove(i); } } } public class VBullet { private double spawnX; private double spawnY; private long spawnTime; private double heading; //in radians private double liveDistance; public double distanceTraveled; private double velocity; private double power; private double targetX; private double targetY; public int index; public VBullet (double spawnX,double spawnY,double absHeading,long time,double normalizedPower,int _index){ spawnX=spawnX; spawnY=spawnY; heading=absHeading; spawnTime=time; power=normalizedPower; velocity=20-3*normalizedPower; distanceTraveled=0; index=_index; } public VBullet (){ } public void updateBullet (double time){ /*updates the distance the bullet travels*/ distanceTraveled = (time-spawnTime)*velocity; } public double getX(double now){ /*Get x coordinate of virtual bullet*/ updateBullet(now); return spawnX+Math.sin(heading)*distanceTraveled; } public double getY(double now){ /*Get y coordinate of virtual bullet*/ updateBullet(now); return spawnY+Math.cos(heading)*distanceTraveled; } /*Next 3 functions lifted from SandboxMini by Paul Evens*/ public boolean targetWasHit(double targetX, double targetY, long now) { //for this target, at this time does the bullet come within 30 units of the target over the last tick if (range(targetX,targetY,now) > 50.0) return false; // if we are no where near return immediatly for (double fraction = 0.0; fraction<1.05; fraction+=0.1) { //if we are close check 10 positions of the bullet to make sure it does not hop over the target if (range(targetX,targetY,now-fraction) < 30.0) return true; } return false; //close but not close enough over the last tick } public boolean outOfRange(double targetX, double targetY, long now) { //has the bullet traveled beyond the range of the enemy double targetFromOrigin = Math.sqrt((targetX-spawnX)*(targetX-spawnX)+(targetY-spawnY)*(targetY-spawnY)); if (range(spawnX, spawnY, now) > targetFromOrigin+30.0) return true; else return false; //if our bullet is 30 units further away than our target (from where the bullet was fired from) it will never hit the target } double range( double targetX, double targetY, double now) { //returns the distance between the target and where the bullet was fired from. double xo = targetX-this.getX(now); double yo = targetY-this.getY(now); return Math.sqrt( ( (xo)*(xo) ) + ( (yo)*(yo) ) ); } } public class Enemy //the one from FUSiOn { public String enemyName; public double enemyHeading; public double deltaHeading; public double enemyBearing; public double absoluteBearing; public double lastVelocity; public long lastScanTime; public double lastAcceleration; public double enemyEnergy; public double deltaEnergy; public double enemyDistance; public double xPos; public double yPos; public boolean alive; public void updateEnemy(String name, double heading, double bearing, double distance, double velocity, double myX, double myY, double myHeading, long scantime, double energy) { enemyName = name; deltaHeading = robocode.util.Utils.normalRelativeAngle(-enemyHeading + (enemyHeading = heading)); absoluteBearing = robocode.util.Utils.normalRelativeAngle((enemyBearing = bearing) + myHeading); lastAcceleration = (-lastVelocity + (lastVelocity = velocity))/(-lastScanTime + (lastScanTime = scantime)); deltaEnergy = -enemyEnergy + (enemyEnergy = energy); xPos = myX + (enemyDistance = distance) * Math.sin(absoluteBearing); yPos = myY + enemyDistance * Math.cos(absoluteBearing); } } }--andrew
while random page surfing i found this. it's funny to look back on old versions. --andrew]]