Apoptygma 0.4 released. Bugfix, few minor changes, colours removed. Primarily a maintenance release for speed and stability. Should allow Apoptygma to operate nearer it's full potential. Sorry to everyone whose RR@H clients were ground to a halt by 0.3.
WOOHOO! I made it work. *dances like a maniac* Apoptygma 0.3 features:
On the competitiveness aspect... StatGun? is Apoptygma 0.3 without colours and with one more line of cleanup code.
StatGun? doesn't skip myriads of turns and occasionally freeze like Apoptygma 0.3 does.
StatGun? is codesize 771 (without colours) :(
1st: arthord.StatGun? 4317 1350 270 2292 404 0 0 27 8 0 2nd: arthord.micro.Apoptygma 0.3 1821 400 80 1267 74 0 0 10 27 0
Given another 22 bytes Apoptygma could be a competitor, but for now it stands as a successful experiment in miniaturization. As well as pretty. ;)
A new test robot by Kuuran, a first draft plus one minor revision (version 0.2) is ready and vaguely competitive. This robot tests how complex systems can fit in a micro, currently it boasts a VB based stat gun in a VB based virtual gun array along with one other gun. The original spec also called for a pattern matcher, which looked like it would fit, but in the last minute it had to be cut. This is a priority to get in before version 1.0.
To be uploaded and added to competition as soon as the repository is back up.
Wow, looks like the number of Micro-statists has tripled in the last couple weeks :-p. It never occured to me to try and combine it with a PM, though (probably because of the complexity/number of dimensions of my stat gun). -- Kawigi
I guess knowing you'd need to do it better than DuelistMicro scared people off :p. As a pure stat gun goes FMicro is a far stronger - and thus far bigger - bot, this gun is running practically unsegmented. The big experiment I'm trying here is to squeeze virtualguns into a micro rather than to try and make a super-competitive bot, but right now I'm not having too much luck either way (hopefully it'll be both when I'm done ;) -- Kuuran
... and since the VirtualGuns minis that I know of can be counted on one finger... (of course, it might have been done before...) -- Kawigi